It is with great pride that we announce that our Senior Partner Dr. Rafael Garutti was appointed chair of the International Classification Subcommittee (2024-2025) of International Trademark Association (INTA)!
Rafael joined as a member, through a selection process, of the Harmonization of Trademark Laws and Practice Committee in 2022. The Committee is divided into subcommittees, currently Free Trade Area and International Classification Subcommittees.
In summary, the purpose of this commission is to make assessments at the national, regional, and international levels through treaties, trade agreements, special conventions, and other instruments related to trademark law and practices. The Committee proposes recommendations, prepares proposals for texts, deals with matters involving all the Industrial Property Offices of the globe.
“It is very interesting because I have the opportunity to be in contact with several lawyers from all over the world and also learn and bring news to clients.
I was considered a high-performing member and a Rising Star in 2023, as I coordinated work related to class 09 in 2022. Therefore, I was appointed by the former president to take on the role.”, comments Rafael Garutti.
This achievement for CNV is a great accomplishment, as being at the head of a subcommittee or committee brings even more prestige and confidence to the office, as well as demonstrating our constant involvement with the Intellectual Property community.