Your design

Industrial Designs.

Documents required by INPI-Brazil (National Institute of Industrial Property).

  • Power of Attorney (Notarization or legalization not required);
  • Full Name and address of Applicant(s);
  • Full Name, address, nationality and profession of inventor(s)/designer(s);
  • Drawings (at least 7 views);
    Specification in Portuguese language (optional);
  • Certified copy (if applicable) translated into Portuguese for priority rights claiming purposes.

Timeframe for Analysis

On average, it takes approximately from 6 to 8 months for each Industrial Design application to mature into registration.

In case of extraordinary situations, such as office actions or rejection, a further delay is expected to occur (which would be 12-14 months).

No Substantial Examination Procedure

Considering that the grant of registration of a Design is based only on a formalities check, it is possible to request an additional examination (optional).

Validity and Maintenance fees

An Industrial Design can be valid for 25 years in Brazil, under legal conditions; therefore, it is necessary to pay all maintenance fees (quinquennial/each 5 years) to keep its validation in the country.

Non-Registrable subjects for Industrial Designs

According to the Article 100 of Brazilian IP Law no. 9279/96 (LPI), an industrial design in Brazil is not registrable if :

I – which is contrary to morals and good customs; or offends the honor or image of people; or is contrary to the liberty of conscience, belief, religious cults or ideas and feelings worthy of respect and veneration.

II – the necessary common or ordinary shape of an object or, furthermore, which is determined essentially by technical or functional considerations.

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